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Hike to the Hidden Falls

  • Ansel Adam's famous black and white photo of the Snake River Outlook copied
  • Hike along Jenny Lake to the Hidden Falls in Grand Teton National Park
  • Pictures taken of crumbling Mormon farms in front of the magnificent Teton mountain range


I get up after sunrise and sort my pictures while Oli sleeps a little longer. After breakfast we drive south through Teton National Park. Even today the weather is wonderful, despite a different forecast. We stop at the Snake River Outlook, where Ansel Adams took his famous black and white picture of the river loop with the mountain range behind. After various other viewpoints with fantastic views of the Teton Range, we branch off to Jenny Lake.

There we start a hike along the lakeshore to the Hidden Falls. Despite high traffic, the hiking trail is in very poor condition, but it should be renovated soon. There is still a lot of snow everywhere on the trail, making it a challenge. Suddenly we hear a loud noise from the undergrowth not far from us. We are amazed when we see a moose there, which is a good 10 meters away from us and is comfortably eating. Several times marmots and squirrels cross our path. Until we finally reach the Hidden Falls, which are well worth seeing. The stream carries enormous amounts of water from the snowmelt and rushes down into the steel-blue lake. Freshly strengthened, we head back and after 3 hours we are back at the parking lot.

Now let's look at Mormon Row, old Mormon buildings that are slowly but surely falling into disrepair. With their wonderful location directly in front of the Teton Range, they make a great photo subject. Fittingly, the only large herd of bison that we see in Teton National Park grazes right next to it. We leave the Teton Park by the Moose-Wilson-Road, which initially leads picturesquely along a stream with a beaver dam, later leads outside the park through farmland. Soon after we arrive in Jackson Hole and continue straight to Hoback Junction. Here we stay at the Hoback Campground, located directly on the river. After steak and salad, badminton, an evening stroll and reading, we go to bed.

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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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