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In the hoodoo maze of Bryce Canyon

  • Sunrise over the hoodoos of Bryce Amphitheater
  • Rattlesnake on the way
  • Hike through bizarre sandstone formations


At 5.40 a.m. we get up, pack up the roof tent and drive the short distance to Sunrise Point. A whole group is already waiting there for the first rays of sunshine. At 6.15 a.m. the time has come. The bizarre-looking hoodoos light up in orange, red and white. To get away from all the people we march down where we can get a closer look at the rock formations and also reach numerous vantage points. Afterwards we drive back to the camp.

Oli is still dozing while I look at the pictures I took yesterday and this morning on my laptop. After breakfast we check out all the remaining vantage points along Parkstrasse. Every single one of them is worth stopping for. The Natural Bridge, another impressive arch right on the road, is particularly worth seeing. The final stop is Rainbow Point, where we hike the small hike to Yovimpa Point and the Bristlecone Loop Trail. At the tip of another tourist we get to see a rattlesnake about one meter long. She's just crossing the narrow footpath and is shockingly well watered, it's easy to mistake her for a root. Before we can take a picture, another tourist throws a stick at her and the reptile disappears in the bushes. There she curls up compactly and is difficult to spot. We also photograph one of the numerous chipmunks eating a nut and observe a pronghorn family with two fawns.

Next stop is Sunrise Point, where we start a slightly longer hike down into the labyrinth of hoodoos. The Navajo and Queens Garden Trail are built on steep terrain and lead through the rock formations, which look even more powerful up close. After it was still quite fresh in the morning, it is now getting really warm up here at almost 2500 meters. Then it's time for a wash and shower, both of which are available at the park's general store. In the late afternoon sun we start cooking. There is the remaining salad from the day before and sausage for Oli and chicken for me. My resolution not to eat any sausage products in North America turns out to be correct, because the sausage does not meet our quality expectations. We let ourselves be impressed again by the view at Sunset Point. Absolutely great this panorama and the colors! Like yesterday we drive again to the Ruby Inn. We use the WLAN, buy a water and a well-deserved beer for the soul. Then go to bed.

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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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