- Shopping in Anchorage
- Drive along the Turnagain Arms to the Kenai Peninsula
- Hike to the first glacier remains
- Swimming in Skilak Lake
Before we leave Anchorage, we stock up on supplies. In the well-stocked supermarket Fred Meyer you can find everything. Even electronic wheelchairs for the extremely overweight clientele. This must of course be tested and immortalized on a video.
Then we drive along the Turnagain Arms to the Kenai Peninsula known as a fisherman's paradise. It's a bright, beautiful day with temperatures well above 20 degrees. Everywhere along the route there are crowds of fishermen, after all it is the weekend. We stop at Portage Lake and take a short hike to the puny remains of Byron Glacier. It will probably no longer be seen in a few years. In any case, here in Alaska, too, the glaciers are exposed to global warming and in some cases are melting dramatically. There we eat for the onward journey.
The popular campground at the Russian River is already full, so we drive on in search of a place to stay for the night. A little further we find a lonely place right on Skilak Lake. Probably not a real campsite, but that doesn't bother anyone here. In this idyll we bathe in the warm lake. The only negative point are once again the extremely numerous and stinging mosquitoes. So we prefer to retreat to the interior of the camper to eat. Before sunset we take a walk along the lake. The low sun ensures intense colors.