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To Canada and towards Kluane

  • On the Richardson Highway to Tok
  • Continue on the Alaska Highway back to Canada

Finally another beautiful day. We have breakfast outside in the sun. We only get to see the mighty, almost 5000m high peaks of Mount Sanford and Mount Whittier. Still an impressive sight. Today we have to cover a long distance again. We drive back the only partially tarred Nabesna Road and from there northwards on the Glenn Highway to Tok. The route is pretty uneventful. Lakes, swamps and now and then a lookout point bring some variety to the landscape, which is dominated by enormous forests. In Tok it is time to fill up again. Especially since the diesel prices in Canada are considerably higher than in the USA.

The bumpy Alaska Highway leads southeast along the Tetlin Wildlife Refuge to the Canadian border. Here we realize once again how huge and lonely this area is. There is hardly a town, let alone traffic. The only outpost of civilization after Tetlin Junction is the Canadian border post in Beaver Creek. In Canada, the clocks now have to be set one hour forward again. The ALCAN-HIghway is even more neglected on the Canadian side and cannot be driven too quickly. As we slowly head towards the mountains of the Kluane National Park, we find a campsite on Lake Creek. Here we grill fajitas and make a wonderful campfire.

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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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