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A day at the Royal British Columbia Museum

  • Visit the magnificent Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria
  • The natural history part lets the visitor explore the different habitats
  • Cultural-historical part with a focus on the diverse Indian culture as well as a complete street from the 19th century
  • Special exhibition about the Vikings including a subsequent IMAX film
  • Stroll through the city center and browse shops


Again we take the bus to the city center and march on to the Royal British Columbia Museum. The museum, which is considered to be extremely worth seeing, actually does not disappoint us. We buy a combined ticket for the museum and IMAX cinema and rush into the exhibition rooms. The lovingly designed natural history museum of the province is located on the first floor. Topics such as the history of the earth and climate change are brought closer to the visitor. But the gems are the animal exhibits, which are shown in their natural surroundings. For example, the grizzly is fishing on an artificial stream. There is an interesting hiking exhibition about the Vikings next door.


The cultural history department is located one floor higher. In this area, British Columbia really has a wealth of interesting things to offer. A handful of splendid totem poles, real masterpieces, are exhibited in a large hall with dimmed lights. The indigenous population of BC alone speaks over 30 languages and has another 60 dialects. Many of these languages are now threatened with extinction and the museum is trying to preserve them for posterity.


Our tour continues with the arrival of the first whites. The sailors James Cook and George Vancouver should not be missing, as well as the gold rush, mining, fishing, whaling and many other aspects of the still short modern history of this region. What we like best here is the street of old houses from the 19th century. The entire museum is presented very impressively and should also be visited by non-museum visitors.

After this museum excursion, the final visit to the IMAX cinemas follows as a loosening up. The 45-minute film on the giant screen is about the Vikings in keeping with the special exhibition. Niki nods briefly in the comfortable armchairs while I look spellbound at the screen.

After lunch, we march through downtown Victoria and visit some shops. For the first time in a long time, it is cloudy again and a few drops fall in between. So we spend the rest of the afternoon before we have a delicious meal in a Vietnamese restaurant. We take the bus back to Zoe, surf and read a little.

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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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