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Immerse yourself in another world: Rio Olha d'Agua

  • Red macaws watch the Buraco das Araras
  • Snorkeling tour in the crystal clear and fish-rich Rio Olha d'Agua to the confluence with the Rio Prata
  • Wild tapirs spotted on the way back to the farm
  • Fun tour of the Cachaceria Taboa

In addition to abseiling in the Abismo Anhumas - which we will do without due to cost reasons - the unique freshwater snorkeling is certainly the highlight of a stay in Bonito. We chose to go to the Rio Prata decided, as this is considered to be particularly rich in fish and clear. In addition, the excursion can be combined with a detour to Buraco das Araras for a surcharge.

So we start at 7.30 a.m. in the minibus heading south. Soon we leave the paved road behind us and it shakes us through. Outside, the eye hardly sees anything new: farmland and soy plantations shape the landscape. Are rare small remnants of the arid Cerrado landscape to recognize. Only the unmistakable and countless termite mounds still remind of the origin. After a little over an hour we reach our first stop. Since we didn't get a voucher from the hostel this time, this already causes some problems. Finally we can use the private sanctuary Buraco das Araras but still enter.


From two viewing platforms, the visitor gets a view over the considerable hole in the ground whose walls the red macaws use as safe breeding grounds. At first, not much happens, a single pair of the magnificent parrots can be seen in the rock face. But suddenly a pair of the loyal birds flies over our heads and more follow. Far away on a dead tree, the red macaws literally gather.


Suddenly three macaws land in close proximity to us, what a stroke of luck. Unfortunately, time is of the essence, so we will soon march on to the second platform, where the view is not that spectacular. You then have more time to wait for coffee and cookies, which annoys me a lot, after all, the entrance fee wasn't exactly cheap.

When we finally drive on we soon reach the farm of the Rio Prata Snorkeling. We obtain Wetsuit, shoes, diving mask and snorkel. Then we can finally go towards the river. At the entrance of the protected area we are unloaded and there is one waiting a good two kilometer hike through the lush, forested reserve. The guide, who also only speaks Portuguese, tells about flora and fauna, and a local tourist translates the essentials for us again.

Then our group of ten reaches the crystal clear lagoon of the Rio Olha d'Agua. The biodiversity can already be seen outside the water. After another eternal procedure on how to snorkel and even swim - which seems really necessary for some Brazilians - we can finally start. The light blue shimmering water with a brilliant view is really full of fish. From small fish to impressively large ones Pacus and Dourados. I try to take some snapshots with the rented underwater camera, but it turns out to be quite difficult.

Unfortunately, we don't see any caiman or anaconda, but this one is really fascinating unique experience always and even that proud price worth almost 70 CHF, after all, you don't do something like that every day. After a first extremely quiet section, things get a little faster. Surrounded by wonderful rainforest, we drift downstream. Towards the end we reach the mightier, cooler and significantly less clear Rio Prata. If you want, you can be chauffeured by the boat here, I swim further to my destination.


On the way back to the lodge, we even discover it in a pond two tapirs. Unfortunately, I still only have my underwater camera with me.

After this great, albeit a somewhat long, excursion, there is another typical Brazilian buffet at the lodge, where we fill our stomachs. Then we are already on our way back to Bonito, where we arrive around 6 o'clock in the evening.

After a shower we march into the busy center, where we take part in the tour of the Cachaceria Taboa take part. The entertaining guided tour explains the production process, many herbs in the paradise garden of the property and invites you to Pottery and of course the final tasting a. We get into conversation with many Brazilians and have an entertaining evening.

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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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