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Back to Argentina

  • Bus ride via Puerto Natales
  • Border crossing to Argentina
  • Arrival in the touristic El Calafate
  • Niki's cheese fondue becomes a fact

Our journey takes us north again to the Argentine part of Patagonia. It's a good 3-hour bus ride back to Puerto Natales. Where, after just under an hour of waiting, we can continue towards El Calafate. At Cerro Castillo we reach the Chilean border postwhere we can collect the exit stamp from all passengers. Information from the bus company is once again a nonsense, we already know that.

7 kilometers further - in the middle of nowhere in the middle of nowhere - he is waiting Argentine border post Santa Cruz Province upon us. Again the same procedure. After all, everything is progressing much faster than when we crossed the border to Chile near Mendoza. Another four hours later we meet in the tourist center El Calafate a.

Directly at the bus station we get the most important information about the town from the practical information desk and walk the short distance to our pre-booked hostel. It is in the middle of the main season all pretty booked up. The double room costs 80 francs a night and otherwise the place is not exactly cheap. The extremely nice hostess of the hostel South B&B provides us with all the information we need about tours and excursions in Los Glaciares National Park and the surrounding pampas. We decide to visit the highlight of the region tomorrow: the Glaciar Perito Moreno!

We march into the busy center, where we are finally Niki's long-awaited cheese fondue Find. In addition to bread, there are also all kinds of vegetables and fried potatoes to be pierced.

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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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