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Waiting in vain at Punta Norte

  • Last attempt to see orcas at Punta Norte
  • Drive back to the mainland and on to Trelew
  • Overnight in Gaiman, of Welsh roots


Today we start with the sea lion colony near Puerto Piramides. In the whale season the mighty southern right whales can be observed from the mainland. The numerous sea lions can be seen diving in the crystal clear water.

Then we want to go up to the Punta Norte drive in the hope of seeing one of the rare orca attacks. To do this, we drive the almost 80 km on the dusty gravel road until we come to the noisy one Sea lion colony arrive. In the blazing midday sun it's time to wait and watch. The shifts daily High tide by a good 30 minutes, so that today the highest point occurs at 1.30 p.m. The sea is rougher than the days before.


As usual, the noisy sea lions are widely scattered on the sandy beach of Punta Norte. Are regularly from the sea returning adults to see that seem to be surfing in the surf. The massive animals are in their element in the water and a lot faster than on land. After almost two hours we give up, it would have been too nice. Ultimately, our chances would be one month later it was probably much better, since the young sea lions then make their first attempts to swim. What the extremely intelligent killer whales know and therefore stop by here more often. After all, that's cute armadillo on the way again, unfortunately being fed by tourists.


So we leave the Peninsula Valdés and continue south. The next and only real city on the route for a long time Trelew. There we turn to Gaiman, where the welsh culture early immigrants are still cared for. We find a small hotel and a good restaurant in the town center, where we can have a delicious bottle Dada1 red wine drink. The menu is also listed in Welsh.
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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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