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Rest day before further adventures

  • Rest day in Rurrenabaque between pampas and rainforest


We are woken up early in the morning by any musical activity on the occasion of a festival day. The military marches through the streets again and again, making music, and election campaign parades are accompanied by horns and cars with loudspeakers. We have a leisurely breakfast, bring order to the pictures of the last few days and write a diary. Again, the hostel's internet connection practically doesn't work at all. Therefore march through the streets for a cafe or restaurant with a stronger connection. Just when we finally got to the Funky Monkey Bar have found what they are looking for, the power goes out. In the extremely hot and humid temperatures, powerful rain clouds have come up.


Suddenly it breaks! Hurricane-like squalls whirl up the dust of the alleys, topple signs, and even topple whole trees. Right next to us, a mighty palm tree is simply bent as if it were a thin branch. The wind is followed by one heavy downpourwhich at least provides a desired cooling. So we are now sitting in the dark, reading a little and talking to the German-speaking owner. In the late afternoon the situation has calmed down again and we are on our way back. The traces of the storm can be clearly seen everywhere.


Back at the hostel, we use the time again Packing our things. Then we go to the same restaurant again for dinner and our free drink. This time, too, the power goes out again, even if only briefly. So we just eat by candlelight. Then we use the repaired internet connection.
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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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