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Not an everyday catch at Madidi

  • Forest hike on the other side of the river near Berraco del Madidi
  • Read numerous game tracks, discovered a large group of Coatis
  • Fishing in the small stream
  • By means of mid-morning fishing for large fish, but without result
  • short evening boat tour on the Rio Tiuchi
  • Interesting night stalk with sighting of an armadillo and two deer


A generous breakfast buffet awaits our hungry mouths. In rubber boots and long clothes, we put the boat on the other side of the river over and start another one from there Jungle tour. In the small orchard we can enjoy another cocoa fruit. The diversity of plants in the Amazon is unbelievable: the bark of a tree tastes like garlic, another tree can easily move with its roots, the mighty kapok tree can live up to 1500 years. All sorts of traditional remedies can be obtained from a wide variety of plants.
Again we discover tapir and peccary tracks, see one black and white falcon. Suddenly there are shadows running around in the treetops. But they are not monkeys! No, one large group of Coatis is on the prowl.


We discover extremely at a small stream fresh traces of giant otters. It would of course be a dream to see these animals in the wild. Here are the Fishing rods unpacked and provided with meat bait. I was soon bitten by a suspiciously powerful chunk. But nobody really expected that! Not a fish, but one massive caiman turtle hanging on my leash. It was no easy task to free the bad-tempered, strong animal from the hoe and release it back into the stream. Fish, on the other hand, don't want to be caught here for the time being.
Bad-tempered sea turtle on the heel
Bad-tempered sea turtle on the heel
So we march on. But first of all you have to cross the stream. Because unfortunately it is attached directly to our tree trunk bridge Wasp nest. The insects are of course not happy about our visit, which Sandro experiences painfully. We balance on the tree trunk over the stream and continuously climb up the slope to one Lookout point.
After the descent we try our luck again at fishing. It actually hangs after a while small catfish on my fishing rod and Sandro was also successful. However, the fish should serve as bait for a really big catch.


Back at the Eco Camp you will have a tasty lunch. Banana fish soup and then a salad buffet, rice, manioc and an equally handsome as delicious pacu, a major relative of the piranha.


After an hour of siesta, we take the boat a little upstream to look for one suitable place for fishing. The morning catch is halved and now serves as bait on the thick lines. So it is now a question of being patient and waiting to see if someone bites. The scenery on the wild river is wonderful. Fly several times Yellow-breasted Macaws pass and rest in one of the large trees in the distance.
Yellow-breasted macaws flying past
Yellow-breasted macaws flying past
But nothing wants to bite into our hooks. We try a little further upstream with the same result: Nothing is happening! So we get on the boat again and set off in the hope of seeing at least one more animal. In fact, we get one Group of red howler monkeys to see close to the water. With the last rays of the sun we drift downstream. A delicious meal is waiting for us again in the camp. Niki doesn't feel so well, so she goes to bed.
Curious red howler monkey
Curious red howler monkey
Meanwhile, Alain, Sandro and I start the Night hike. It doesn't take too long and we see one armadillo. A little later comes a shy swamp deer to. Only the glow of the flashlight as an aid makes hearing much more effective. So we can hear a group of peccaries at a short distance, but we don't get to see the wild boars. Here, too, there are countless trees over the trail and we have to make our way through the thicket. Always careful where you step, and above all who Not to lose orientation. Sandro discovers one on a leaf Tree frog. Shortly before the camp we see a swamp deer again, that is it from the two-hour night walk. After a refreshing shower, I jump into bed too.
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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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