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Another wish comes true: giant otter!

  • Return to Puerto Maldonado and on to Lago Sandoval
  • Marten-like Tayra plunders a banana palm from the lodge before our eyes
  • Encountered giant otters from a short distance on an afternoon boat trip in Lago Sandoval


We pack our things and drive back to Puerto Maldonado. Here we have time for a coffee before we march to the harbor and board another longboat. Here at the mouth of the Tambopata River in the mighty Madre de Dios it goes in approx. 40 minute boat ride to Lago Sandoval. But for now there is still a wait 3km long path through the reserve on us. And it's pretty tough, after all, it's more like a single mud pool.
Welcome to Lago Sandoval
Welcome to Lago Sandoval
Then we reach the swampy edge of the lake, where we board a boat. Jorge now rows us out into the open lake, which is wonderfully lined with palm trees. As soon as he arrived, Jorge wanted to see the real highlight and reason for our stay: the giant otter. Unfortunately they do not appear again! The gregarious otters are endangered. Previously hunted for their fur, today the Loss of their habitat the greatest danger.
A heron on the lookout
A heron on the lookout


We drive to a new, simple and still nameless lodge, where we will spend the night. After lunch I want to do something in one of the Hammocks put. But hardly in there scurries big marten through the garden. It is about a Tayrawhat favors the Bananas from the lodge garden has found. She cannot blame this delicacy by our presence either.
The marten species tayra attacks the bananas
The marten species tayra attacks the bananas
Soon after, we'll paddle at scorching heat out into the lake. In fact, it doesn't take too long for Jorge to spot the giant otter this time either. And this time Niki and I get to see her too. Two, the currently probably three otters in the lake, are basking on a tree trunk near the shore. When we come within photo distance, however, they submerge. It's a shame that would have been a great picture.
Let's see who comes
Let's see who comes
For a moment we only get to see the three of them from a great distance. We slowly row towards Lookout tower on the edge of the lake and increasingly thick rain clouds have come in, what a wonderful evening mood cares. Suddenly one of the otters comes loudly swam straight towards us! Jorge thinks this is a kind of Threatening gesture be. After all, the animals are extremely sensitive to human disturbances. For us, at least one of our wishes to see a giant otter in the wild comes true, even if it was only brief.
Sunset on Lago Sandoval
Sunset on Lago Sandoval
After this great experience we climb the tower and enjoy the atmosphere. On the way back we keep our torches on the lookout for shiny orange caiman eyes, after all, in the lake it should be up to 5 m Black caimans give. However, we only see a few small specimens.
Even after sunset it remains spectacular
Even after sunset it remains spectacular


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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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