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Child sacrifices of the Incas

  • Buy bus tickets at the terminal
  • Try the local cuisine at the market
  • Guided tour through the Museo Santuarios Andinos with children's mummies of the Incas


Niki takes another look around for application options while I skype. Finally we plan the next few days to Lima. We forego a flight over the Nazca Lines as well as a visit to the tourist desert oasis Huacachina and the two deepest canyons in the world. In the Colca and Cotahuasi Canyon wonderful views and condors would be tempting, but we decide to spend the days further north.


Around noon we take and Taxi to the bus terminal and rattle off the various providers. Ultimately, with Viva, we choose one of the more expensive companies. Nevertheless, the 12-hour bus journey costs just CHF 30.


Back in the city center there is a cafe and chai. We stroll comfortably in the direction again market. We buy dried corn and eat again at one of the stands. For me it's the third day in a row Ceviche, the fish with onions, lemon juice and a pinch of fresh coriander is simply delicious!


There is dessert Queso Helado, another Arequipean specialty. What may sound special, tastes like milk ice cream with a little cinnamon and is delicious.


Then we march to the Museo Santuarios Andinos. The finds are housed in a wonderful colonial building high alpine Inca sacrifices presented in the region. The tour begins with a documentation of the sensational discovery of the find. In the museum's care there are a total of 13 children's mummies, which the gods are supposed to put mildly. The showpiece of the collection is the excellently preserved Juanitawhich unfortunately won't be seen again for three days. In its place is currently the children's mummy Sarita in the display, which is extremely weakly exposed for conservation reasons. Numerous pottery, jewelry, clothes and shoes are also on display.


The Inca also sacrificed the most intelligent, beautiful children from noble families to the gods in order to please them. Even the ruler's children were sacrificed. The expedition on the summit of Ampato discovered a total of 13 mummies, but also 39 empty graves, which are likely to have fallen victim to grave robbers. Unfortunately you are not allowed to take pictures in the premises.


After the exciting, but somewhat short tour, you go back to the hostel. After a pisco sour we go to eat and then go back.
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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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