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Don't change behavior!

  • Walk on the beach on the red sand of Rabida
  • Fantastic snorkeling with a sighting of a white tip reef shark, eagle rays, stingrays, green turtles and a huge range of fish
  • Bottlenose dolphin discovered at the bow of the boat during the crossing
  • Shore at Cerro Dragón with sighting of numerous land iguanas


We anchor at the by rubber boat Rabida island at. The striking red sand beach and the red cliffs are a real feast for the eyes. During our Beach walk we discover Brown pelicans, marine iguanas, sea lions and two snipes.

The brown pelican has choked on its fish


We continue walking along the beach to a sheltered bay, where we go into crystal clear and extremely calm water fall. Here teeming with fish of any size. Whole schools of small fish hide in the rocks near the shore. In between there are larger and colorful doctor and parrot fish and a kind of small tuna roams around.


Parrotfish in the reef
Parrotfish in the reef

We reach the end of the bay and continue along the now somewhat restless cliff. Then the Dane sees one right in front of us stately estimated 2 meter long white tip reef sharkwhich rests at the bottom. When the hype gets too big for him, he moves away and hides under a big rock.

A stately whitetip reef shark pulls its tracks
A stately whitetip reef shark pulls its tracks

We soon discover one Stingrays in the shallow water directly on the coast. One highlight follows the next: I discover one Eagle rays and in total three green turtles. After two hours and a lot of swimming you have to emerge from this underwater wonderland.

A stingray in the shallow water
A stingray in the shallow water


Afterwards we usually have lunch waiting for our hungry mouths. Our journey to the next destination begins while we are eating. It works back to Isla Santa Cruz and the striking Cerro Dragón. Suddenly immersed on the way bottlenose dolphin at the ship's bow and rides the bow wave for a moment, but unfortunately doesn't want to jump up.


After a half-hour break, which I use for a short swim in the sea, we land on the sandy beach in the northwest of Santa Cruz Island. From there we hike inland along a lagoon where a lonely pink flamingo while eating and a few Marine iguanas can be seen on the rocks.

Landscape at the Cerro Dragon
Landscape at the Cerro Dragon

On the muddy path we continue through the densely overgrown bushland. Since the rainy season is slowly but surely coming to an end, that's all extremely greenwhere normally only dried grass can be seen. A little later the first is already stately land iguana with its pretty yellow scales on the way. We meet numerous other endemic lizards that look like dragons, which make another splendid subject.

Eating glandular head
Eating glandular head


We climb a small lookout point with a view of the towering Cerro Dragon. On the way back there are several Landiguanas to marvel at. Some are just busy eating their plant-based foods, while others are just plain lying lazily on the way and don't care about our absence at all. Nevertheless, you shouldn't get too close, or as guide Pato likes to say: Don't change behavior! Plagued by mosquitoes, on the way back to the boat and a little further out to shake off the annoying insects.


After this interesting shore excursion, the evening buffet awaits us as usual. Then I play another game with Tobi chess and then a card game called Idiot with the two northerners, while Niki and Nina have a lot to talk about.


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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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