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Black bear close enough to touch

  • Niki's first attempts at kayaking in Ucluclet
  • Watch the black bear a few meters away from us on the bank
  • Herons, seals, starfish, kelb crabs and other animals were also seen
  • Niki taught chess
  • Visit Kwisitis Visitors Center
  • March down Combers Beach Trail to Long Beach
  • Take a walk on the beach and play another round of chess

So today Niki is learning to kayak. At 9.15 a.m. we are expected by the guide from Paddle West Kayaking. We get paddles, spray aprons and life jackets and after a short instruction we can start. Kayaking is nothing new to me, only I've never been to the sea. Here in the harbor area, where we will be during our two and a half hour tour, waves are not to be expected and the water is nice and calm.

Our guide, a native Canadian with Austrian roots, proves to be a real stroke of luck and brings us closer to the secrets of the local flora and fauna. And that in perfect German for Niki’s sake, after all, we’re the only customers this morning. Sometimes he fishes an unhappy crayfish from the seaweed, then different types of starfish, shows us jellyfish, seals, herons and spots a black bear on the bank. By the time we get closer, however, the bear has long since withdrawn into the forest.



We'll paddle a little further until it's time to turn back. Niki is making rapid progress and is obviously enjoying paddling. On the way back we get to see the bear we had hoped for and even really close. A few meters away from the black bear, which is looking for crabs and other edible things in the tidal zone, we can drift. The young male bear is not bothered at all by the strange figures in the water. Which, in a funny way, should apply to all bears.


After this great tour we have a picnic in the city park with wonderful weather again. I teach Niki how to play chess 1 × 1. Let's see how long it'll be before she hits me.

We drive to the Kwisitis Visitors Center and see the interesting exhibition on nature and culture of the indigenous people. From here you have a wonderful view over the rough Wickaninnish Beach. Then we drive Combers Beach Trail parking lot and walk the short distance down to the beach. There we take a short walk on the beach and enjoy the wonderful weather with another round of chess.

Back at the Surfers Junction Campground we clean and cook. Then I show Niki some pictures of my trip so far. After 9 a.m. Niki takes a shower and before that I jump into the bubbly hotpot again. Back in the car, I update my diary.

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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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