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Back to the starting point

  • Continue to Williams Lake
  • Clear out and clean the car
  • Dairy Queen dinner

We have breakfast in the room and then walk the last few kilometers Caribou Highway to tackle Williams Lake. Cool wind, rain and bare deciduous trees clearly show that we have finally arrived in late autumn and in just a few weeks winter will be covering the landscape with its icy curtain. East of the Rockies this has already become a fact, so Calgary already has icy nights with up to minus 15 degrees Celsius. On the way we stop for coffee in the Tim Hortons a.

We arrive around noon Williams Lakewhere we're looking for one last motel. Now it is time to bring all the luggage into the room and empty the car so that it can be cleaned. With a vacuum cleaner at one of the numerous car garages, it goes quickly and we can definitely do it pack dedicate. We noticed that a little too many things have accumulated over the months to be able to stow everything properly. This is not a problem for tomorrow's flight back to Vancouver. But it would be anything but practical for months of dragging along. But we will send another package home in Vancouver. After dinner at Dairy Queen let's watch a streamed movie on the laptop.

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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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