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Até Brasil, ¡HOLA! Argentina

  • Visit the Parque das Aves with many rare bird species
  • Border crossing to Argentina
  • US dollars change into pesos


This morning we want to start the bird park Parque das Aves in close proximity to the Brazilian Iguacu National Park. The park is wonderfully embedded in the rainforest and the animals have beautiful and mostly relatively species-appropriate enclosures. There are also many colorful and rare birds from the South American continent. Parrot and toucan species are particularly well represented, but emus, flamingos, caimans and anacondas can also be seen, and even a rare Australian one cassowary.



They are especially beautiful spacious aviarieswhich are inhabited by several species and which the visitor can walk through. You can get annoyed by one Toko Toucan attacked by a cheeky Arasarri deprived of edibles or found in a swarm full of sumptuous Butterflies.


For this purpose, species that you hardly ever get to see in the wild can be observed and photographed from a very short distance. Towards the end, the impressive aviary is full Macaw parrots of all kinds. The magnificent birds are always fascinating to watch as they fight among themselves for the best places, climb down the cage upside down or fly around croaking.


Again we go by bus back to the hotelwhere we left our luggage. After we have decided which hotel to go to next, we sit down in the taxi to have us taken across the border to Argentina. Only pick up the exit stamp at the Brazilian customs, then it will be easy entry to Argentina nothing more in the way.


in the Hotel Jasy we find a luxurious place to stay for the next three nights. Then we set off on foot to the center. Except that now Spanish instead of Portuguese is spoken doesn't seem to have changed too much for the time being. Everything may tend to be a little less ordered and organized. Now it's time to change money, which is not as easy in Argentina as it is anywhere else. After this National bankruptcy a few years ago, people's confidence has still not been restored. That's why locals prefer to invest their wealth in safer US dollars. This in turn enables tourists to get a higher exchange rate than the banks. We find an exchange office disguised as a kiosk, where we exchange the first of the dollars we brought with us for 12 Argentine pesos each (a whopping 40% more than the official exchange rate).


After visiting the tourist office, bus station and the office of the airline Aerolineas Argentinas for the onward journey, we sit down in a noble restaurant. The price level is noticeably below that in Brazil. So the four of us dine delicious and drink a bottle of Malbec for less than 60 CHF! Back at the hotel we write a diary before we go to sleep.
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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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