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Overnight arrival in Cordoba

  • Survived cold and restless night on the bus
  • Arrival in the second largest city in Argentina: Córdoba
  • Tour through the city center, which is under the protection of UNESCO


It is between 2-3 o'clock of all times Road conditions pretty rough. Instead of trying unsuccessfully to fall asleep again, I decide to read something more. Around 4 a.m. I get a little restless sleep again. The Air conditioning is running at full speed once again, the display shows in phases frosty 17 degrees at. Fortunately, this time we got a blanket and a comfortable pillow for the night.


Nonetheless, in the morning we feel anything but relaxed and I caught a bad cold. After panetone and fruit juice, we reach the second largest Argentine city at around 11 a.m. Cordoba. In the - with agglomeration - about 1.7 million city More than 150,000 students live and it is the industrial and cultural center of Central Argentina.


Not far from the central Plaza San Martín we have one AirBnB apartment found where we will stay for the next two nights. The taxis run on gas here and don't want to transport the four of us, which is why we need two of them. Which doesn't play a big role at a price of less than 3 francs. As is so often the case, the apartment in a high-rise is built and furnished in a modern way, but on closer inspection, various defects become apparent. Just doesn't meet our usual quality standard!


After the urgently needed shower, hand washing and some relaxation, we march towards the car-free center, where many of the old colonial buildings can be found which of the city the UNESCO award as a world cultural site have brought in. Are predominant numerous churches like the cathedral and the Manzana de los Jesuitas - the block of the Jesuits. At the tourist information we would like to organize a rental car for tomorrow, which is unfortunately not possible at such short notice due to the festive season. After all, we can book a private tour that will take us to the Quebrada del Condorito National Park tomorrow. At this enormous heat of over 35 degrees and is in our condition and no longer feels like sightseeing. We start looking for a restaurant, which turns out to be extremely difficult on St. Stephen's Day. Finally we find something with a small snack.


After changing US dollars into pesos in another small niche shop, we make our way back to the apartment and go to bed early.


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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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