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In lofty heights on the Osorno

  • Drive up to the ski area at the Osorno volcano with a great view
  • Continue north to Puyehue National Park
  • Short stop at well-visited thermal springs


After breakfast in a nearby cafe with cakes and empanadas, we set off and gradually the morning cloud cover begins to clear. We take a short walk to the Laguna Verdewhere we have a family Birds of prey discover.


A few kilometers further the junction follows up to the Flank of the sublime Osornus. Initially from lush Alercen forests lined the road leads up to an altitude of 1100 m above sea level. The trees are gradually disappearing and more and more bushes and purple blooming lupins and yellow lilies bloom. The valley station of the winter ski resort is surrounded by a barren lava landscape. The wonderful distant view down to the steel-blue Llanquihue Lake is, however, clouded by a few clouds. However, the longer the more it clears and the mighty glaciated summit of the picture book volcano moves into the block field.


We continue towards the next national park. We drive north through lush green farmland with grazing cows, which is indeed reminiscent of the landscape of home. The widely visible peak of the Osornos remains visible for a long time. We're making a detour Thermal springs, where numerous locals lie in the moderately attractive pool, bathe or picnic in the adjacent river.


Really into that Puyehue National Park Only those who undertake long hikes can get there. So we decided to go further north. The direct road towards Lago Ranco turns out to be a rough gravel road, which makes rapid progress impossible. That's why we stay in the night Entre Lagos. Fish is still on the menu today, but this time delicious hake.
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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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