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Sucre - city of contrasts

  • Take a look over the white city
  • Wander through the impressive Mercado Central
  • Try out and enjoy numerous fruits
  • Tour through the worth seeing Museo de Arte Indigena ASUR


After the extra gluten-free breakfast for Niki, we march into the heart of the white colonial city: to the Plaza 5 de Mayo. Surrounded by some magnificent buildings such as the Catedrale and the pompous police headquarters, the green square is the meeting place for the locals. We climb that Lookout point on the roof of the police building and get a great view of the historic downtown full of white facades. At 2700 meters above sea level, we still feel the height a little.


Then it goes straight to the impressive one Mercado Central. Even here in the middle of the constitutional capital of Bolivia is the Contrast between tradition and modernity, rich and poor enormous. Here the begging, traditionally dressed Quechua woman, there the modern businessman in a suit and with a smartphone.


We meet many wonderful ones Fruit and vegetable stallswhere we also do some shopping and try new things, a real one Paradise for fruit lovers as we! So the delicious, passion fruit-like one Tumbo and a green cactus-like fruit with a mint flavor, the name of which I unfortunately cannot remember. Niki is learning Cherimoya know and appreciate.


The market holds countless photo subjects, but most of the women do not want to be photographed. So we just take some pictures in hiding. Other stalls sell cosmetics, poultry, meat, sauces, bread, cheese and yoghurt or even cooked salads. Then we march back to the hostel, where we prepare an exclusive fruit salad.


Then we march up the slope to the Mirador Recoleta. In a cafe with a great location we have a coffee and wait until that Museum of Indigenous Art ASUR opens its gates. In front of it there are also numerous stalls with the usual Indian souvenirs.


The museum primarily presents the art of weaving, clothing, music and the rites and customs of the local tribes. The Museum Foundation supports locales in preserving their traditions. The different weave patterns and colors, which practically differ from village to village and have been practically unchanged since pre-Columbian times, are particularly impressive.


A second part of the collection is devoted to archaeological finds Tiwanaku culture. Then we march down the slope towards the center, past wonderful white churches, chapels and houses. Suddenly Niki discovers one Barber shop and says that we still have enough time to cut my hair. The woman does a great job, even Niki has little to complain about.


Then we meet Martin and Jemma again. Jemma is celebrating her 32nd birthday today! After an aperitif, we go to one of the best restaurants in town. Even here, the meal, including wine and dessert, costs just CHF 25 for two people.
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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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