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Arrive in modern Santa Cruz

  • Landing in the pouring rain of Santa Cruz
  • Weigh up options for exploring the surrounding area
  • Tour through the modern, unbolivian city


In the morning we have to pack our things and then take a taxi to the airport. Everything is amazingly well organized and professionally managed. We spend the waiting time in the cafe before our flight with the modern Boeing of the BOA to Santa Cruz starts. The metropolis is that largest city in the country and one of the fastest growing cities in the world. Unfortunately, the flight runs almost exclusively through dense clouds and hardly allows any view.


In pouring rain we land at the ultra-modern Viru Viru International Airport in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. We take a taxi to the city center, where we have reserved a double room in the Jadanga Backpackers hostel. In the modern big city Almost nothing reminds of the typical image we have of Bolivia. Rather, we feel transported back to Brazil.


In the hostel we happen to meet up right away Nick, whom we contacted regarding excursions in the region. The rainy season leaves few options open. Only a three-day trip to the Amboro National Park should be possible. The large Chaco National Park Kaa lya is only accessible in the outskirts during the rainy season and therefore makes little sense and only those who charter a small aircraft can come to the Mercado Kempff National Park.


So we use the rainy afternoon hours to plan our onward journey through Bolivia. Finally, Nick gave us a valuable tip for the Madidi National Park. At the moment, it should only be possible to reach it by expensive flight.


In the late afternoon we march into the modern city center. We cross a rather affluent area and the price level is well above the previous Bolivian prices. On the wonderfully green Plaza 24 de Septiembre we find a restaurant and eat something right away. Finally buy some water and go back to the hostel, because tomorrow it should start early.
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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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