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The sunny island of Isla del Sol

  • Boat trip on Lake Titicaca to Isla del Sol in fine weather
  • Visit the Inca ruins of Chincana
  • Culinary highlight with a cheese fondue, quinoa salad and chuflay


An exceptionally rich breakfast at the Hotel Utama makes it easier to start the day. At 8.30 a.m. we drive on the Motorboat out into Lake Titicaca with destination Isla del Sol. After about two and a half hour drive along the peninsula and later the east coast of the sunny island we lay in North of the island at. However, not in Cha'llapampa as advertised, but just below the ruins of Chincana. During the next hour and a half we have time to explore the area. On the other side of the hill, the beautifully situated ruins come into view. Except for the bare walls, doors and windows, they don't give much.


That's what the island is for deep blue lake a scenic highlight and that Weather lives up to the name of the island. We march on Cerro Tikani up, where we have a wonderful view of the lake, islands, bay and ruins. There we have a rest and talk to an Israeli couple.
The ruins of Chincana
The ruins of Chincana
From here you could hike south across the island for three hours. Since we at the lousy information don't really know when you really have to be where and probably wouldn't have too much time for the tour, we decide to take the boat to the next stage Challa to drive. There is actually nothing worth seeing there. A small museum and a restaurant that offers fried fish or chicken. Further inland there are a few little houses and some women in the village offer snacks for sale, that's about it.


Indian child
Indian child
Slowly chugging southwards, where we take another 20 minute break. That is hardly enough to visit the Escalera del Incaclimbing the terraced hill. Then it goes to them Return to Copacabana. The landscape was a wonderful excursion, thanks to the sunny weather we almost felt a little in the Greek Aegean offset with the dry vegetation and the clear turquoise water. Otherwise the inspection could not meet the expectations. Why the Lonely Planet is promoting the island as one of the highlights of Bolivia remains a mystery to us.


Also an islander
Also an islander
Arrived in Copacabana, we arrange to meet the two Israelis Maayan and Yotam for a drink at 9 p.m. Niki and I equip him magnificent Cathedral in the Moorish style a short visit. Then we go to eat in the restaurant La Cupula, which is located next to the hotel. Niki discovers it on the menu Cheese fondue! Delicious quinoa salad, some vegetables and of course bread and a local Gruyuer cheese mix make this more expensive festive meal perfect. After a short stop at the hotel, we go to the bar, where we still have that on our last evening in Bolivia Chuflay national schnapps try.


Copacabana Cathedral
Copacabana Cathedral
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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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