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Never discovered by the Spanish conquistadors: Machu Picchu

  • Visit of the Inca ruins of Machu Picchu
  • Climbing the Machu Picchu Mountains in rain and clouds
  • In the afternoon, marvel at the UNESCO World Heritage Site in wonderful weather


Few places are so numerous on the list of dream destinations for people from all over the world as the mystical city of the Incas. Never discovered by the Spanish, Machu Picchu has been preserved in a state that is unparalleled in any other Inca ruins.


In search of the legendary, forgotten Inca city of Vilcabamba, the American explorer came across Hilam Bingham only in 1911 as the first white man on the then unknown ruins. Although it was a bit controversial first, after all, indigenous people lived in the area again and again, used the Inca terraces for agriculture and the local population was also well known. Believing to have discovered Vilcabamba, Bingham's find took care of it worldwide getting up. Today, however, it is assumed that Vilcabamba is about 60 kilometers further east in the Amazon lowlands. But that is only part of the fascination of the place, its almost even more outstanding exposed location on a ridge between two pointed peaks.


Whoever wants to see the world famous Citadel of the Incas should get up early. So we are wake up at 4.15 a.m. After a hearty breakfast we will be ready at the bus station at 5.10 a.m. But we are far from the only ones, it has already been a five bus long Queue educated! For an overpriced $ 12, we're now driving the numerous hairpin bends up to the ruins. Once at the top it means in the rain queue againto the site of the UNESCO World Heritage Site-Place to be able to enter.


We climb immediately uphill to the left to some of the best viewpoints of the ruins, as there aren't too many people there in the morning. But only for a few moments do we catch a glimpse of the city between all the clouds. We continue up towards Puerta del Sol, where all hikers from Inca trail come here hoping it will get better


But the venture is not granted any success. We note that Ascent of the Machu Picchu Mountains is only allowed between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. So let's pretend the first of the day to the tiring stairs up to the 3082 m high mountain summit. In the meanwhile pouring rain and thick clouds of fog, the path through the cloud forest has something mystical.


Clouds over the cloud forest
Clouds over the cloud forest
Despite an umbrella and rain jacket, we are soon dripping wet and the few spots that would have remained dry are totally sweaty. After all, the weather gives cause for hope, the rain is easing and two or three times we see the ruins from the mountain slopes far below us. After an hour or so, I'll have it 600 meters in altitude brought behind me. In the shelter I put on a dry sweater, take some pictures and wait for Niki and better weather.
Niki did it too!
Niki did it too!


Soon afterwards the first other tourists arrive and the number keeps increasing. Unfortunately, there is no improvement in the weather in sight, almost on the contrary, even the few surrounding hills will soon disappear in swaths White. So we have no choice but to continue wait and hope. Once, the snow-capped peak of Salkantay can be seen briefly.


After about 3.30 hours with no prospect of recovery, we get down to it way back. At lower altitudes, visibility soon improves. Suddenly comes too Machu Picchu in sight again and the Cloud cover is increasing, yes dissolves slowly. We just sit down and enjoy the now excellent view, yes, one of the steepest climbs of my trip was still worth the effort.
The clouds finally tear open
The clouds finally tear open
After a lunch break with the classic postcard subject view let's get to that Exploring the ruins. Despite being much better preserved than anywhere else, for me, up close, the ruins are not comparable to buildings of the ancient Egyptians or the Maya, as there are hardly any decorations or artifacts to be seen.
View through one of the three windows of the temple
View through one of the three windows of the temple
Perhaps the most remarkable buildings are the Temple of the Three Windows. Surrounded by numerous steep terraces, which are supposed to counteract erosion and of course were also used for agriculture. The wanderers provide entertainment within the ruins Llamas and wild viscachaswhich make a cool photo subject. Overall, we are positively surprised by the number of visitors, after everything we had heard in advance. Maybe we just avoided the crowds by climbing the Montaña in the mornings, or now in the off-season there are simply not that many tourists ?!
Sunset over Machu Picchu
Sunset over Machu Picchu
I take some more pictures with the afternoon sun, which is now deeper, before we make our way back. Exhausted as we both are, from all the vertical meters of the day, we pay another 12 dollars each for them Bus trip to Aguascalientes.


We go out to eat there and enjoy the happy hour drinks. Before going to bed soon after this eventful and certainly unforgettable day.
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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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