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Searching for traces in the Alto Tambopata

  • Long morning walk to a little salt lick in the jungle
  • Tapir and jaguar tracks, a squirrel, poison dart frogs, tamarin monkeys and toads discovered
  • Tour of the neighboring farmer's garden


Today we are awake relatively late. Breakfast is at 6.30 a.m., we take the Peruvian women to the other side of the river and say goodbye. Then there are three of them on one longer hike in the jungle. We leave Jorge's private property behind and move on the wide paths through the Tambopata Reserve. As always there is a lot to discover. We think it's incredible well camouflaged toads and Jorge shows us a relatively achromatic nature Poison dart frog.


He discovers one in the middle of the often rather muddy path fresh jaguar footprint. But even fresher have entered deep Tapir trackswho must have used the human path just before us. We reach one eagerly small salt lickwhich is also very popular with peccaries. But we don't get to see any of the animals. Instead, other specialties from the realm of botany. Brazil nut tree whose nuts are extremely popular not only with humans, wandering palm trees and meter-long roots of the giant jungle. Yes, the roots of a tree can be longer in the nutrient-poor jungle floor than the jungle giant above us.
We meet an immense one Nest of leaf cutter ants, the whole castle is easily 5 × 5 m in size and will accommodate millions of hardworking mushroom gardeners. Next we arrive at squirrel with a bushy tail, which is extremely difficult to photograph in the thicket. A tapir should have avoided us pretty close, as can be seen from the clear tracks. Then we see another group of cuter black tamarin monkey.
Tamarin monkey
Tamarin monkey
On the way back there is a short but heavy downpour before we reach the lodge quite exhausted. Siesta is popular during the hottest hours of the day.
On the way on the mighty Rio Tambopata
On the way on the mighty Rio Tambopata
Before we start the sunset boat trip we visit the Garden of the neighboring farming familywho lives here under the simplest of conditions. Jorge shows us the most diverse medicinal and edible plants and fruits. We also discover a magnificent one hummingbird-like bird. Then we drive a little upstream in the hope of more animal sightings, but without success.
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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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