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Day 2 with San Blas Adventures

  • Guided tour through the Kunadorf Caledonia
  • Drive on by motorboat through wonderful islands
  • Lunch stop with volleyball and football on our private island
  • Afternoon excursion to another uninhabited paradise island


For many, the day starts pretty hungover. After the plentiful and diverse breakfast buffet for ages, it's time for you Tour through the village. Guide Marco brings us the Kuna culture a bit closer.

morning Mood
morning Mood

From the Spaniards from theirs original home displaced, the Kuna have been living on the Caribbean coast of Panama from fishing, hunting and a little agriculture since the 18th century. In the mostly extremely simple wooden huts, people cook over an open fire and sleep in hammocks. There is only one lower school on the island, which is why there are hardly any middle-aged people to be found.

Proud Kuna woman
Proud Kuna woman


Tourism and other sources of income would make the kuna rich, yes very few know how to deal with all that money. In addition to the colorful splendor, the women wear eye-catching gold jewelry and smartphones and televisions run on solar power. Marco tells us about a man who missed $ 50,000 in three months on alcohol and this is by no means an isolated incident. Likewise represents waste an ever increasing problem. Since the Kuna live largely from the sea, according to their beliefs, they return all remains to Grandmother Sea.


Kuna child
Kuna child


Then the boats are loaded and go on. After an hour and a half, somewhat jerky drive along the coast we reach the next wonderful island called Tupile. The food will soon be served there and we will use the afternoon hours for Bathing and doing sports.

Crammed together in a motorboat
Crammed together in a motorboat


Later we go by boat to a neighboring island, where two pitiful spider monkeys are tied to palm trees. Probably to the amusement of tourists. The sky is mostly covered with clouds, so there is only little bathing, but all the more drinking.


Berton's T-shirt is destroyed
Berton's T-shirt is destroyed

Back in Tupile, we witness a wonderful sunset. Then the delicious food is waiting for everyone to meet under the wonderful starry sky Campfire go. However, the night is much quieter than the previous one.

Sunset mood in the Caribbean
Sunset mood in the Caribbean


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Picture of Marcel Gross

Marcel Gross

swiss hobby photographer with a passion for wildlife, landscape and nature

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